Monday, April 1, 2013

比赛回顾 Match Review By 梁永超(LiangYongchao Paul.

今天的比分 Maestro FC 1:4 Armanis FC . (Augustine) 

今天的比赛十分精彩,但比分并不能完全体现比 赛的过程。


我们的对手是联赛中的领头羊,他们的实力不容小视。本场比赛是对手今年的最后一场联赛,无论结果如何,都会得到联赛冠军。 虽然我们的实力与对手相比处于劣势,但是每一位队员没有不战而降的心态,大家早早来到球场可见大家对比赛的态度。 球队专注于在加强防守的同时寻求攻击的机会。果然,Augustine在上半时末段的球队反击中打进一球。那一球真的十分精彩。Augustine 选择推射球门左侧,球巧妙的绕过门将入网。比赛比分改写为11.这一球进的漂亮为球队扳平比分,大家紧张的心态得到缓解。之后,对手的任意球破门比分改写为21。上半时,我们的队员十分努力,成功地遏制了对手的发挥。上半时的亮点包括 Kartik 那粒精彩的任意球险些帮助球队破门

下半时:失球二粒;进球 0

下半时,久未取得进球使得对方球员有些急躁,在动作上有些野蛮,频频踢到我们的队员,而且造成了双方球员的争论。对方对于裁判的判罚存在不满并进行言语攻击。 下半时球队的攻击比较上半时有起色,频频对对手的防线造成威胁,其中,有多次精彩的传球被判为越位,然而,裁判的判罚值得商榷。 最为精彩的一球是 Hakim 接到队友直塞,晃过对手起脚射门,虽然球进却被判为越位在先。十分遗憾。下半时对手的实力得以发挥,对方的传球比较精准,而且防守做得好。尤其是对方的88号球员,他的身体素质以及速度对球队的贡献很大,而且为球队取得进球。对手在本方禁区内手球犯规,判罚点球。遗憾的是点球被扑出。 下半时Abhi在左路的突破比分出色多次对对手的右路造成威胁,Abhi 积极的奔跑以及突破得到了队友的肯定。我们的门将表现不错,多次扑出对手有威胁的射门,多次化解危机。

High point

1. Augustine 为球队打进扳平比分的一球,一粒精彩的进球
2. 我们的队员早早来到球场等待比赛开始,大家态度积极。
3. 面对强大的对手大家没有畏惧,没有放弃争取进球

Low point



Match Review by Paul Liang

Maestro FC 1 : 4 Armanis FC (August)

Today's match is exciting but the scoreline could not reflect the entire match.

First half : 2 goals conceded, 1 goal scored.

Our opponent is the league table topper Armanis FC. It will be Armanis final league game of the season. No matter what the outcome of the score is, they will still be the champions. Thou we are no match as compared to Armanis, everyone of us will still go into the match in search for a victory. Majority of the bees reached the match venue early. The bees are looking to strengthen their defence line and in the meantime looking out for every opportunity to attack. At last, August after a few attempt on goal, managed to slot home the equalizer bringing the scoreline level at 1:1. Due the nervousness, the bees conceded their 2nd goal before going into the half-time break trailing behind 2:1. During the first half of the match, everyone worked their socks out leaving Armanis not much chance in front at goal. The highlight of the first half was when Kartik assisted the ball to August which resulted in the equalizer. (But this writer thought it was Abhi instead? Hmmm..)

Second half : 2 goals conceded, No goal score.

Armanis were desperately looking in search for goals in the second half. Dirty tackles can be seen flying in from them. At times, their number 88 player can be heard thrash talking to Gerald warning him that he would break his legs. The referee who seems to have just completed his puberty cycle were being pressured by the opponent's threat. He remain calm but chose to keep quiet like as thou he was in a library. The bees wasted a few chances in the second half. Hakim unleashed a rocketed shot but only to see the ball being whiskered away by the wind. Abhi can also be seen running down the left flank with the speed of Usain bolt. Leaving the opponent's right back breathless. Yangde did well in goal. Saving a few shots which could have cause the scoreline to be bigger.

Nevertheless, the bees played really well. Perhaps sometimes luck do play a huge role in football.

High Point

1) Augustine's equalizing goal for the bees was a splendid one.
2) Everyone reached the venue early. Eagerly anticipating for the match to start. Good attitude.
3) It was a tough game with a tough opponent. Not much chance to counter and to score.

Low Point

1) The opponent may seems to be good but their attitude were otherwise.
2) As the referee had just pass his puberty cycle, his decision were indecisive.
3) So many beautiful passes were created by the bees only to let the referee have it ruled offside.  

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