Saturday, April 4, 2009

Maestro FC Elections

Hi MFCians,

These are the positions up for elections this Sunday and they will be elected in this order:
  1. Captain
  2. Vice Captain
  3. Finance IC
  4. Team Photographer
  5. Web Master
  6. Welfare IC
  7. Trainer
  8. Fitness IC
Gerald will be the Elections Chairperson for this Sunday.
Please read the following rules and regulations regarding the elections below:

Maestro FC Elections Rules and Regulations

Voting Process
1. The voting process is conducted by an Elections Chairperson, who is a member of MFC (including friends, girlfriends)
2. The voting process is a silent vote; votes for a person is written on a slip of paper, which will be submitted to Elections Chairperson.
3. The collected votes will be tabulated in front of the voters and results will be revealed for the stated committee position before moving on to the next position.
4. The positions of Captain and Vice Captain will be the first positions to undergo elections.
5. The new Captain and Vice Captain will then decide if there are any committee positions which need to be created or abolished before proceeding on with the elections.

Voting Rules
1. Only MFC players (excluding friends, girlfriends) are eligible to vote in the elections.
2. Every MFC player is entitled to 1 vote for each committee position.
3. Non present MFC players are not allowed to cast a vote, their vote will be considered void.
4. Non present MFC players are eligible to be voted into the MFC committee.
5. In the event of a tie, nominees involved will be required to give a 30 second speech to garner votes.
6. A re-vote for the committee position will be then conducted for the nominees involved.
7. Voters are not allowed to share information, collaborate or influence other voters.
8. Existing committee members are allowed to be voted in for another term in the committee.
9. The following committee positions are mandatory and cannot be abolished: Captain, Vice Captain, Finance, Web Master, Welfare IC, Trainer, Team Photographer, Fitness IC
10. Each elected committee member is only allowed to hold 1 committee position during the service term.

1. The elected committee members will serve a term of 1 year from the date of elections.
2. Handover process will be monitored by the Captain and Vice Captain after the elections.
3. Elections results will be posted on the MFC Blog within 24 hours.

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