Thursday, January 1, 2009

Team Talk Comment Board Archive

Hi guys,

As you know, the team talk box is quite overloaded this week with points and comments made by some of us. For those of you who missed out on the earlier comments made by some of us or have no idea what is going on, Guo Xian has kindly save the comments here. So catch up on it here..

<Guo Xian>: Heard the story. To me, it will always be the ref. Players DONT control the match. Whether the tackles are fair or ugly, the ref must have the responsibility. What i have learnt is if the players want to spoil the match, in this case, i suppose barca
Guo Xian>: are the ones, then the ref must do likewise - spoil the match. How to? Issue his cards and send off players fast. The rule is the match can proceed with 7 players, including the keeper. Unfortunately, sunsports do not have capable refs who can do that. Or
Guo Xian>: rather, they do not DARE to do it. Sadly, i have to say that sunsports ref are there just to call for fouls, which is NOT the case. If it is that simple, we can proceed with the match without the ref.
Guo Xian>: They should do more than that, that is, watch out for players who are trying to injure his opponent. Sadly again, they again failed here. Talking back, we should always exercise self control. After playing almost 20 matches at sunsports, we should know by
Guo Xian>: now how to approach our matches. That is, not to shout for fouls and play to the whistle. Lesson learnt here. And i hope everyone is okay and forget the incident.
Walter-GX>: Nice pt..i will ask Koh if he can do smth abt referees.
Guo Xian>: I'm sorry to say koh and the barca team are good friends. They can do anything they want (like stage a walkout) and as i recalled the last match against them, they can scold anything they want and end the match with 11 men. No doubt they are a good team,
Guo Xian>: but we are more than a match for them. Therefore, if they win the league, it is not a surprise for me. Teams like tembusu and tampines vista play much much better football. For a better organised league, the player would have been banned for maybe 5
Guo Xian>: matches. But u know wad, he will be back for the next game, which is a laughing matter. RIDICULOUS.
Norris-alan>: Hey,chill aite?everything alrite there?
alan-all>: i am okay. but i may not want to play in this league. unless something is done. should we report this issue to SSC? or FAS?
alan-lil eric>: thanks man.
alan-gerald>: ok. thanks.
alan-guo xian>: good points taken. any advice? should we still continue to play there?
silas>: Yo bros..lets juz concentrate on what MFC does best..playing good FOOTBALL..let our feet do the talking..and oh GX teach me how to strike e ball? haha.
Guo Xian>: This could easily be a police case. No point reporting to SSC or FAS. Cos they cant do anything. Honestly, i would like to find out how this system is managed. For now, definitely i am against MFC joining the new league mentioned. We will finish till Jan.
Guo Xian>: What u think, captains? Unless we see proper management, i dont think its worth the money, effort, injuries and probably ur LIFE.
Guo Xian-Silas>: Its just your off day. Probably will talk to u more when we gather again for the next match. see ya.
Gerald>: My personal view is that I support GX's view that sumthing must be done but sadly after chatting with my fren about other leagues, they also have got fighting problems..
Gerald>: so i think to find another league which will be fair to players' welfare is difficult simply because we are not professional s league team..
Gerald>: but of coz if can find a fair league would be best..mayb we should try to let the matter rest for a while and most importantly, get Alan back...with him, our defence looks alot better..we need a player of his calibre back..
Guo Xian>: Gerald, can be discussed. I have a few things. 1) Team selection 2) Team protection. See all this sun.

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