Monday, January 19, 2009

End of Season Message

Closure to Season 1 of Sunsports League.

It’s been about half a year since we started our 1st league game and in a blink of an eye, yesterday’s match against Eastchester View wrapped up our league campaign for Season 1. I would like to take this opportunity to thank every one of you in MFC for your participation in the weekly Sunday league games, MFC outings and hard work from some of you whom have been assigned roles in the team.

Specials thanks to Norris for helping to find sponsors, Gerald for endless uploading and upgrading of our blog page, Howard for money loans, Eric Ng for his sms reminders to us and his support to me and lastly our Girlfriends And Friends (GAFs) for their support at matches and outings.

I guess we all have our fair share of ups and downs, pain and joy while playing as a team/individual in this league with a lot of stories and memories to tell when we stop to reflect. I must also apologize if there were times when either myself or the team caused problems, hurt or inconvenience for you as a result of being part of the team. I hope we can work something out should there be problems for you as I believe in an open reporting system where we need not hide or keep anything that’s affecting us.

In the coming weeks, I really hope we all can improve our skills for the coming season through a series of upcoming training sessions and cage soccer. Hopefully, we can play more attractive and exciting soccer matches than the past season.

There is much more to look forward to in the future; we already have the services of a professional camera man, Chris Lau and a new fixed warmup, training routine from Silas. Not forgetting more gatherings organized by Cross and Firdaus, the next upcoming one on 1st February! Hope to see all of you there!

Thank you and Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy Chinese New Year!

Your Captain,
Walter Tan

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