Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Away Kit Results

Hi guys,

You all have spoken:

Jersey 1: 1 Vote
Jersey 2: 7 Votes
Jersey 3: 7 Votes
Don't Want: 1 Vote

Thanks to the 16 folks who voted, based on the results, we will either get Jersey 2 or 3. The jerseys are all Nike so you can be assured of the quality. As Norris suggested to get a full kit (include shirt and shorts), Walter managed to get a quote from Weston Corp.

Option 1: Full Kit: Shirt + Shorts + Number + MFC Club Badge = $35 to $38 per pax
Option 2: Jersey: Shirt + Number + MFC Club Badge = $25 per pax
Option 3: Jersey: Shirt + Number = $20 per pax

For those who have not voted for their choice of jersey, please do so now! Your vote could determine what the team wears as our away kit.

For the rest, please give your comments on the comment board on which Option you prefer. If everyone has no serious objections, our Captain and Vice Captain will decide on either Jersey 2 or 3 and also either Option 1, 2 or 3.


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